What is it?

Kit Consulting is the Spanish Government`s aid programme that enables SMEs like yours to design the roadmap for their digital transformation.

What is the KIT CONSULTING aid?

It is a Digital Advisory Voucher with a specific amount that you must use to hire advisory services. The amount varies depending on the size of your company:

SEGMENT A: Between 10 and less than 50 employees. €12,000.

SEGMENT B: Between 50 and less than 100 employees. €18,000.

SEGMENT C: Between 100 and less than 250 employees. €24,000.

Who is it for?

The advisory services provided by the Kit Consulting Programme are aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises with between 10 and less than 250 employees.

Categories of Advisory Services


Artificial Intelligence Advisory Service

"360" Digital Transformation Advisory Service


Segment A



Segment B



Segment C



Biyectiva Advisory Services as a Change Agent

At Biyectiva, we are change agents and will guide and support you throughout the process of implementing digital solutions for your business.

Artificial Intelligence Advisory Services

FROM 5.800€ + IVA

Objective A plan aimed at SMEs that do not have an artificial intelligence (AI) plan, establishing the required investment and the necessary measures for its adoption. The advice focuses on the SME´s use and application of AI techniques such as machine learning, automatic text processing and transcription, or expert systems, and the development of a business-specific use case related to the application of AI techniques.

Included Features

▪ Segment A: 10 < 50 employees

▪ Segment B: 50 < 100 employees

▪ Segment C: 100 < 250 employees


▪ Identification of relevant datasets for implementing AI algorithms to improve information understanding through these advanced techniques.

▪ Advice on creating data governance protocols with AI regulations, ensuring their validity and accuracy when applying AI.

▪ Analysis of AI tools for data management, making recommendations based on the company´s reality and investment capacity.

▪ Guidance on how AI techniques can derive valuable information from existing data to drive strategic decision-making.

▪ Training in the strategic use of AI techniques in data management.

▪ Development and execution of a business-specific use case related to the application of artificial intelligence.

360 Digital Transformation Advisory Services

FROM 5.800€ + IVA

Objective Provide consultancy services to SMEs that do not have a 360 Digital Transformation plan, establishing the investment required and the necessary measures for its adoption. The advice focuses on the digitalisation of the organisation by defining a digital transformation roadmap, identifying digitalisation projects aligned with the roadmap, and determining the necessary technologies to carry them out.

Included Features

▪ Segment A: 10 < 50 employees

▪ Segment B: 50 < 100 employees

▪ Segment C: 100 < 250 employees


▪ Analysis of the level of maturity in terms of organisational digitalisation, identifying possible gaps in the internal procedures of the digital transformation process.

▪ Advice on the evaluation and selection of digitalisation tools to align with the organisation`s digitalisation roadmap and facilitate its adoption and implementation.

▪ Advice on identifying the necessary financial and human resources for implementing the digitalisation projects.

▪ Definition of digitalisation projects aligned with the roadmap, identifying the necessary tools, technologies, and resources.

▪ Support in the execution of the digital transformation roadmap.